Dear Families, December 12, 2022
Congratulations to the cast and crew JOHNNY APPLESEED! We are very happy to be at the North River School, and we are looking forward to a great show this Friday. Our performance is scheduled for this Friday at 6:30 pm in the North River Gym.
The audition on Monday at 9 a.m. is for all grades!
Rehearsals & Show Day All rehearsals will be held at the North River Gym
Monday, Dec. 12 9:00 - 11:00 Audition
11:35 - 1:35 Young Johnny, Older Johnny, Rebecca, Kelly, Molly, Wolf, Bison, Rupert, Peter, Sarah, and ADs
Tuesday, Dec. 13 9:00 - 11:00 Young Johnny, Older Johnny, Gram's Kiddos, Pioneers, Critters, Drum & Fife, and ADs
11:35 - 1:35 Kiddos, Young Johnny, Older Johnny. Rebecca, Kelly, Molly, Wolf, Bison, Rupert, Peter, Sarah, Lewis & Clark, and ADs
Wednesday, Dec. 14 9:00 - 11:00 Entire Cast
11:35 - 1:35 Entire Cast EXCEPT Appleseeds
Thursday, Dec. 15 9:00 - 11:00 Entire Cast
11:35 - 1:35 Entire Cast EXCEPT Appleseeds
Friday, Dec. 16 2:30 - 5:30 Entire Cast: Dress Rehearsal
5:30 - 8:00 Entire Cast: Dinner, 6:30pm performance, costume check-in
To be sure that we are ready for our performances, we will follow our rehearsal schedule very closely. All rehearsals will begin and end promptly at the scheduled times and cast members called for a rehearsal must stay for the entire session. If your child is unable to attend a rehearsal due to illness or there are questions regarding scheduling or attendance, please notify Melinda Brock at mbrock@nr.k12.wa.us as soon as possible. Due to the short rehearsal period, please understand that anyone missing a rehearsal may be unable to participate in the performance.
All students participating in the play are required to attend the full-dress rehearsal on Friday. It begins at 2:30 and goes until about 5:30 p.m. Afterward, on Friday, a meal will be provided for all cast members between the dress rehearsal and performance. Cast members should bring a water bottle and wear closed-toed shoes to every rehearsal.
By Thursday, each cast member should bring a LARGE BAG with their NAME and CHARACTER clearly printed on it. The bags are to coordinate costume assignments and to store each actor’s own clothing during the shows. All sets, costumes, props, etc. are provided by the Missoula Children’s Theatre. We ask that the cast provide their own soft-soled, closed-toed shoes and shorts and tank top to wear under their costume. All cast members should wear their hair pulled back and out of their eyes on Friday.
There will be a photo session after each show. Please no photos during the performances. On show day, watches and jewelry should not be worn. The Missoula Children’s Theatre will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
We will sell our JOHNNY APPLESEED T-shirts all this week. All sizes are available, and the cost of each shirt is $16. Debit and credit cards only. MCT’S Greatest Hits Digital Music Cards are available; the cost of each card is $7.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to talk to us before or after rehearsal. We look forward to meeting you and working together to make this week a special one for all involved! Thank you!
Joe Godburn and Josh Lococo
www.mctinc.org, www.facebook.com/missoulachildrenstheatre