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Board Meeting 12/19/22 5:30PM



Board of Directors Regular Meeting - North River School District #200

Date: 12/19/2022 Time: 5:30 p.m. Location: Library

1. Call to Order - Flag Salute - Vice President Churape presiding

2. Announcement - The Board Meeting is being Audio and Video recorded

  1. Roll Call

  2. Consideration of the Agenda ACTION

a. Approval of Minutes -Nov 21, 2022

b. Approval of Agenda

3. Policy 1210 - Annual Organizational Meeting ACTION

At the first regular board meeting in December in non-election years, the board will elect from its members a chair/president and vice-chair/president to serve a one-year term.

  1. Call for nominations for chair/president to serve in the ensuing year.

  2. Election of chair/president (Roll call vote)

  3. Assumption of office by the new chair/president

  4. Call for nominations for vice chair/president to serve in the ensuing year.

  5. Election of vice chair/president (Roll call vote)

  6. WSSAA Legislative Representative serves for two years, Director Griener to continue in this position.

4. Public Commentary on Agenda Items

Please limit comments to approximately two minutes. The Board cannot allow comments in regard to personnel or student discipline.

5. Reports

  1. ASB Report

  2. CMPS Report

  3. Superintendent’s Report

  4. Director’s Report

1. Director Banas to update Board on WASDA policy review process.

2. Director Banas to update Board on NRA School Shield Program.

3. Director Brown-Instructions and Orientation for Substitutes with no teaching experience

6. Finance ACTION

a. Approval of Accounts Payable Vouchers

b. Business Manager’s Report

Board Resolution for Security State Bank

Kate Holmes Contract - 2/3 Teacher

c. Budget Status Report - see printout

d. Fund Balance Report $243.257.39

e. Grant Claims

f. Travel

7. Old Business ACTION

8. New Business ACTION

  1. Review of 6000 Series Policies - Administration - per Policy 1317

9. Public Commentary on Agenda Items

Please limit comments to approximately two minutes. The Board cannot allow comments in regard to personnel or student discipline.

10. Other Business

  1. Review of Agenda Items for Director’s

  1. Executive Session - Board Directors to meet with NR parents for discussion on concerns they have.

11. Adjourn ACTION


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